Welcome to my website!
I’m Craig and no, I’m not an Etsy seller with a “multiple six-figure” shop—which means I’m not coming to you with a baked-in seller’s bias about the tools.
So, I can’t overrate an Etsy tool because I’ve used it for ages, or it’s the only one I’ve taken the time to learn, or it just happens to work well for my niche, shop, background, listings—or it pays me the biggest commission!
And I can’t underrate any tool because it doesn’t work well for me or my shop (or because it works well and I’m in a highly competitive niche and really, really don’t want anyone else to have it!).
I’ve retired from the business world, and now I spend way too much time finding out what the Etsy tools do and how they work. I monitor all the Etsy research tools I can find and I study their features (especially accuracy) from a neutral, “I don’t care which is best” standpoint—and I’m not trying to run an Etsy shop* at the same time.
* I do have a sample Etsy shop so that I could connect it and access the features third-party Etsy research tools offer. I’m not much of an artist so needless to say, my one-product shop is not a raging success! 🙂
One Other Thing, I Don’t Chase You!
I don’t track you or load you into a “sales funnel” and hound you—and I don’t create artificial deadlines or limited enrollment spaces to get you to REGISTER NOW!!!
I find that stuff tedious too.
If you want to find out about paid Etsy research tools, and whether it’s worth your money to subscribe to one, I can help you decide.
Any time that suits you.